How do I print or share a PDF of my data with a doctor?

To export a PDF report in Cardiogram, follow these steps:

1. Tap on the "Report" page located at the bottom of the app.

2. If you haven't visited this page in a while, you may need to confirm your age, height, and weight again. To unlock the page's features, tap "See My Score".

If the "See My Score" button is off-screen, it may be due to your phone's font size being too large. To fix this, temporarily set your font to default and try again.

3. Scroll down to the "Share with Doctor" section.

4. Adjust the date range for the PDF report as per your requirement.

5. Confirm that the email address listed is correct. If you need to change the email address, go to the menu and edit your profile information.

6. Finally, tap on the "Request Printout" button to generate the PDF report.

To export your Cardiogram data as a CSV file, follow these steps:

1. Go to the "Report" page in Cardiogram.

2. If needed, tap on "See My Score" to unlock the page's features.

3. Scroll down to "CSV Export".

4. Select the desired date range. Please note that we limit the date range to around 14 days as a CSV file will be generated for every measurement.

5. If you encounter an error, please shorten the date range and try again.

6. Confirm that the email listed is correct.

7. Tap "Export Data". Your PDF or CSV file will be emailed to the email address listed under "Confirm your email".

Please note that the CSV will export all BPM readings for the selected period. If an error occurs, please select a shorter date range.

If you don't receive an email within a few minutes, please return to the Report page. If your PDF was sent successfully, you will see a message saying 'PDF emailed on: [date].' In case you can't find the email in your inbox, please check your spam folder.

If you see a message saying 'PDF request failed,' please make sure that you have spelled your email address correctly and try again.

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